Guy Fawkes, Britain’s most notorious traitor, was thankfully unsuccessful in his plot to blow up the houses of Parliament on November 5th 1605. However, firework and bonfire displays are increasingly popular, so here are our tips to keep you and your home safe.
Read The Code, the online guide to firework safety for all small and domestic displays.
The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) firework safety fact sheet, also has some great advice on how to keep children safe when handling fireworks and lighting fires.
You can also follow the Fire service advice on Bonfires and fireworks
The Garden Environment
Take a good look at your garden. Ensure it is suitable for a bonfire or fireworks. It may not be a suitable environment if there are overhanging trees, wooden fences and sheds close by.
The Bonfire
Small animals, such as hedgehogs, may have nested under the warmth of the wood, leaves and grass that you have built your bonfire with. To them this is like a 5-star hotel! Before lighting, check that no animals are underneath.
This article from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society has some great tips to avoid animal injuries.
And Finally…Check Your Tenancy Agreement.
Many tenancy agreements state you cannot have any kind of bonfire. If the agreement does not make this clear, ensure you call your landlord or agent and double check.
It will probably also state that you must not impose any kind of nuisance or annoyance to your neighbours, including anti-social behaviour. Pop round a few days before and let your neighbours know that you plan on having a party, or, invite them along! By letting them know, they can prepare for any noise and smoke or be away from home if they want to. Agree a time to stop to help ease any concerns they may have.
Do not despair, If you cannot hold your own firework and bonfire party, there are many great professional fireworks displays, which will not only save you the headache, but probably a lot of money too!
The most important thing is, whatever you decide, HAVE FUN and BE SAFE.